Membership and Announcements
Membership and Announcements Cape Nova
Wat does it need to become a member of our club?
The short answer is: you have to be at least 16 years old and you have to hold a valid Canadian Firearms Licence.
In order to get a firearms licence you have to pass a background check with the RCMP and you have to successfully complete a course and a test.
Well, and of course you have to comply with the values and regulations of our club.
We see our club’s teammates as friends.

Being a Member of Cape Nova
This is your opportunity to engage in a healthy and active lifestyle through sport. Our club is also a collection of values. We are serving the local community and maintain these to develop a strong club culture. We are proud of being part of this community institution. Aside from sports and cultural-based reasoning, our members are also involved in our club for social reasons.
Wanted: New Cape Nova Members and Sponsors
Become a Member Now
If you are law abiding Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, sharing the passion of sport shooting with us, and you think
you will blend into our club,
we invite you to contact us for additional information.
The CAPE NOVA RIFLE & REVOLVER CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION form can be downloaded as a printable pdf-file here.
The CAPE NOVA RIFLE & REVOLVER CLUB By-Laws you can see as a pdf file here.
Or please contact us for them.
Besides our shootings we usually have several meetings a year.
Our annual meeting will be held in fall each year.
Information, agendas and documents to our meetings you can get on request, and will be handed out during our meetings.
Weather permitting, we meet once a month for shooting at the Queensville Shooting Range.
There are more club shoots in between on short notice and on request.
Our fiscal year ends on September 30th of each year.
Membership dues are required to be renewed by this date.
If you are not able to attend the Annual Meeting in early October and you cannot pay your dues then, please forward a cheque or money order, payable to Cape Nova Rifle & Revolver Club to:
Paul Sanderson in advance. Please contact Paul by phone or by e-mail for more details.
Paul: 902 631-4803
INTERAC e-transfer
The preferred payment method is e-transfer to this e-mail:
Just in case you have not done this before, here are some helpfull information:
How to send money via email or text - INTERAC e-Transfer
A: The annual membership fee shall be paid in advance and will be in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00).
B: Membership in the Club shall be contingent upon each applicant paying the prescribed fee, compliance with the application procedure set forth in Article 4
and acceptance
by the Executive of any required application form.
C: Membership privileges will not be permitted until the full club membership fees have been paid.
D: Yearly membership dues must be paid by October 31st of each year. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the Club.
The Cape Nova Rifle and Revolver Club
Shoot Schedule 2024
To download or to print-out the shoot schedule, please click here.
Sunday, May 26 Rifle & Handgun
Saturday, June 1 National Range Day 9 am - 4 pm
Sunday, June 23 Skeet & Handgun
Sunday, July 7 Rifle & Handgun
Sunday, July 28 Skeet & Handgun
Sunday, August 11 Rifle & Handgun
Sunday, September 15 Skeet & Handgun
Sunday, October 6 Rifle & Handgun
Sunday, October 20 Skeet & Handgun or Sight In Day
Don’t forget: Safety is the highest priority at the range at any given time!
In 1902, the English politician and game shooting enthusiast Mark Hanbury Beaufoy wrote some much-quoted verses on gun safety, including many salient points.
If a sportsman true you'd be,
Listen carefully to me:
Never, never, let your gun,
Pointed be at anyone ...
Yes, these verses might be over hundred years old, be they are still very true in our days.
Cape Nova - Sport Shooting the Cape Breton Way since 1979 ...
Cape Nova Announcements
Annual General Meeting 2024
Our next Annual Meeting will be held: Thursday, 14th November 2024 at 7:00 pm sharp
Tamarac Education Centre 57 Tamarac Dr, Port Hawkesbury Nova Scotia
All members are urged to attend.
The related documents will be e-mailed to you in advance.
If you should not have received them or if you should require a new set of copies, please feel free to call the Secretary: 902 631-4803 /
This is your last chance to pay your membership dues 2024 – 2025 without loosing your status as a member of The Cape Nova Rifle and Revolver Club. Please be aware of the possible consequences for your Restricted Firearms licence.
1 June 2024 10 am at Queensville Firearms Range
1 June 2024: National Range Day
Cape Nova Rifle and Revolver Club Invites you to join us and 2.3 million other Canadians in celebrating National Range Day June 1st from 10am to 3pm At the Queensville Range Located at highway marker 13 on Hwy 105.
Come and enjoy free food and drink with a number of events and demonstrations.
Ladies, explore the world of target shooting in a safe and controlled way.
10 am – Range safety and orientation
11 am – 22 handgun
1 pm - 22 rifle
There will be water and soft drinks provided during the event.
Please do not bring any firearms!
All required materials will be on site for your use.
All participants will be paired with an experienced person to ensure you enjoy the event in a safe and controlled environment.
07:45-20:00 SATURDAY MAY 28th 2022 in NORTH EAST MARGAREE
4 June 2022 10 am at Queensville Firearms Range
4 June 2022: National Range Day
Cape Nova Rifle and Revolver Club Invites you to join us and 2.3 million other Canadians in celebrating National Range Day June 4th from 10am to 3pm At the Queensville Range Located at highway marker 13 on Hwy 105.
Come and enjoy free food and drink with a number of events and demonstrations.
Ladies, explore the world of target shooting in a safe and controlled way.
10 am – Range safety and orientation
11 am – 22 handgun
1 pm - 22 rifle
There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, water and soft drinks provided during the event.
Please do not bring firearms!
All required materials will be on site for your use.
All participants will be paired with an experienced person to ensure you enjoy the event in a safe and controlled environment.
25 July 2021
Congratulations to Chris on his success in IPSC!
Our former Club President, Chris MacDougall is an active IPSC, “International Practical Shooting Confederation” competitor.
On the weekend of July 24th and 25th he traveled to Restigouche, New Brunswick to compete in the IPSC Atlantic Championship.
There were 10 active ranges with 14 courses of fire. 68 competitors came from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. As always, it was a great match at the Restigouche gun club.
He placed 1st in the production division. In the production division class, only firearms that can be purchased off the shelf and haven’t had any modifications done to them are permitted.
During the weekend of August 21st and 22nd he traveled to Halifax to compete in the IPSC Nova Scotia Provincial Championship.

Chris placed 1st in the production division.
There were 70 competitors on 7 ranges with 14 challenging courses of fire.
It was a fun weekend and he again placed 1st in the production division.
Congratulations to Chris on his success in IPSC!
26 September 2021: Nova Scotia Rifle Association PPC Match
Police Momorial Day
150 round PPC match, open to essentially anyone (who pre-registers), held annually by the NSRA at Bull Meadow. From 3 m out to 50 m, standing, sitting, kneeling, prone, etc.
This year, the date is September 26th. If you'd like to attend, Bob Selig is the man; you can register via email <>. He'll accept payments (@ $45.) via EMT.
6 April 2021 - Thank you David Thorne
A special thank you to one of our members, David Thorne, who has kept the entrance to the Firearms Range open this winter without being asked to do so. David also has repaired the target stands when necessary.
1 April 2021 - IPSC Black Badge Certification Course in Nova Scotia May 8/9
The next IPSC Black Badge Certification Course in Nova Scotia now scheduled for May 8/9 at the Atlantic Marksmen Association Indoor Range facilities in Dartmouth.
For more information you can download this document here.
March 2021 - Membership payments per e-mail transfer
As of today, we are set up to accept payment of your membership dues per e-mail transfer.
In order to safely receive your e-mail transfer, please call Wilson to give him a secure password over the phone.
Attention: Do not send your password through e-mail!
Detailed instructions can be found here: Interac e-Transfer
If you have question, feel free to contact Roland for help.
Further information coming soon.
If you should have something to announce on this website, please contact Wilson or Roland.